时间:2017-11-28 08:58
方精云 | X. P. Wang, J. Y. Fang and B. Zhu | Forest biomass and root-shoot allocation in northeast China | Forest Ecology and Management | (2008) Jun 30, 255,(12) 4007 |
方精云 | Y. H. Yang, J. Y. Fang, Y. H. Tang, C. J. Ji, C. Y. Zheng, J. S. He and B. A. Zhu | Storage, patterns and controls of soil organic carbon in the Tibetan grasslands | Global Change Biology | (2008) Jul, 14,(7) 1592 |
冯健 | Feng J., Zhou Y. X., Wu F. L. | New Trends of Suburbanization in Beijing since 1990: From Government-led to Market-oriented | (2008)Jan,42(1),83-9 | |
郭大立 | D. L. Guo, M. X. Xia, X. Wei, W. J. Chang, Y. Liu and Z. Q. Wang | Anatomical traits associated with absorption and mycorrhizal colonization are linked to root branch order in twenty-three Chinese temperate tree species | New Phytologist | (2008) 180,(3) 673 |
郭大立 | D. L. Guo, R. J. Mitchell, J. M. Withington, P. P. Fan and J. J. Hendricks | Endogenous and exogenous controls of root life span, mortality and nitrogen flux in a longleaf pine forest: root branch order predominates | Journal of Ecology | (2008) Jul, 96,(4) 737 |
郭大立 | D. L. Guo, H. Li, R. J. Mitchell, W. X. Han, J. J. Hendricks, T. J. Fahey and R. L. Hendrick | Fine root heterogeneity by branch order: exploring the discrepancy in root turnover estimates between minirhizotron and carbon isotopic methods | New Phytologist | (2008) 177,(2) 443 |
贺金生 | J. S. He, L. Wang, D. F. B. Flynn, X. P. Wang, W. H. Ma and J. Y. Fang | Leaf nitrogen : phosphorus stoichiometry across Chinese grassland biomes | Oecologia | (2008) Mar, 155,(2) 301 |
胡建英 | J. Y. Hu, H. Chang, L. Z. Wang, S. M. Wu, B. Shao, J. Zhou and Y. Zhao | Detection, Occurrence and Fate of Indirubin in Municipal Sewage Treatment Plants | Environmental Science & Technology | (2008) Nov 15, 42,(22) 8339 |
胡建英 | Z. B. Zhang, J. Y. Hu, H. J. Zhen, X. Q. Wu and C. Huang | Reproductive Inhibition and Transgenerational Toxicity of Triphenyltin on Medaka (Oryzias latipes) at Environmentally Relevant tip Levels | Environmental Science & Technology | (2008) Nov 1, 42,(21) 8133 |
胡建英 | H. Chang, S. M. Wu, J. Y. Hu, M. Asami and S. Kunikane | Trace analysis of androgens and progestogens in environmental waters by ultra-performance liquid chromatography-electrospray tandem mass spectrometry | Journal of Chromatography A | (2008) Jun 27, 1195,(1-2) 44 |
胡建英 | H. Chang, J. Y. Hu, M. Asami and S. Kunikane | Simultaneous analysis of 16 sulfonamide and trimethoprim antibiotics in environmental waters by liquid chromatography-electrospray tandem mass spectrometry | Journal of Chromatography A | (2008) May 9, 1190,(1-2) 390 |
胡建英 | J. Y. Hu, J. C. Shi, H. Chang, D. Li, M. Yang and Y. C. Kamagata | Phenotyping and genotyping of antihiotic-resistant Escherichia coli isolated from a natural river basin | Environmental Science & Technology | (2008) May 1, 42,(9) 3415 |
胡建英 | Z. B. Zhang and J. Y. Hu | Effects of p,p '-DDE exposure on gonadal development and gene expression in Japanese medaka (Oryzias latipes) | Journal of Environmental Sciences-China | (2008) 20,(3) 347 |
胡建英 | Y. I. Wan, J. Y. Hu, K. Zhang and L. H. An | Trophodynamics of polybrominated diphenyl ethers in the marine food web of Bohai Bay, North China | Environmental Science & Technology | (2008) Feb 15, 42,(4) 1078 |
胡建英 | H. Chang, J. Y. Hu, L. Z. Wang and B. Shao | Occurrence of sulfonamide antibiotics in sewage treatment plants | Chinese Science Bulletin | (2008) Feb, 53,(4) 514 |
胡建英 | F. Jin, J. Y. Hu, J. Liu, M. Yang, F. Wang and H. Wang | Sequestration of nonylphenol in sediment from Bohai Bay, North China | Environmental Science & Technology | (2008) Feb 1, 42,(3) 746 |
胡建英 | L. H. An, J. Y. Hu and M. Yang | Evaluation of estrogenicity of sewage effluent and reclaimed water using vitellogenin as a biomarker | Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry | (2008) Jan, 27,(1) 154 |
李双成 | S. C. Li, Z. Q. Zhao and F. Y. Liu | Identifying spatial pattern of NDVI series dynamics using recurrence quantification analysis | European Physical Journal-Special Topics | (2008) Oct, 164,(127 |
李宜垠 | Y. Y. Li, L. P. Zhou and H. T. Cui | Pollen indicators of human activity | Chinese Science Bulletin | (2008) May, 53,(9) 1281 |
李永平 | Y. P. Li, G. H. Huang, S. L. Nie and D. W. Mo | Interval-parameter robust quadratic programming for water quality management under uncertainty | Engineering Optimization | (2008) 40,(7) 613 |
刘鸿雁 | H. Y. Liu, Z. K. Ji and J. Tian | Reconstruction of former halophilous desert vegetation at present cropland sites using soil characteristics | Folia Geobotanica | (2008) Mar, 43,(1) 35 |
刘鸿雁 | H. Y. Liu, F. L. Wei, K. Liu, J. L. Zhu and H. Y. Wang | Determinants of pollen dispersal in the East Asian steppe at different spatial scales | Review of Palaeobotany and Palynology | (2008) Apr, 149,(3-4) 219 |
刘鸿雁 | H. Y. Liu, Y. Yin, Y. H. Tian, J. Ren and H. Y. Wang | Climatic and anthropogenic controls of topsoil features in the semi-arid East Asian steppe | Geophysical Research Letters | (2008) Feb 16, 35,(4) |
刘文新 | W. X. Liu, J. L. Chen, J. Hu, X. Ling and S. Tao | Multi-residues of organic pollutants in surface sediments from littoral areas of the Yellow Sea, China | Marine Pollution Bulletin | (2008) Jun, 56,(6) 1091 |
刘文新 | D. B. Yang, Y. Q. Wang, W. X. Liu and S. Tao | A novel pretreatment approach for fast determination of organochlorine pesticides in biotic samples | Journal of Environmental Science and Health Part B-Pesticides Food Contaminants and Agricultural Wastes | (2008) May, 43,(4) 307 |
刘文新 | J. Hu, W. X. Liu, J. L. Chen, Y. S. Fan, B. S. Xing, H. Kang and S. Tao | Distribution and property of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons in littoral surface sediments from the Yellow Sea, China | Journal of Environmental Science and Health Part a-Toxic/Hazardous Substances & Environmental Engineering | (2008) 43,(4) 382 |
刘文新 | W. X. Liu, J. Hu, J. L. Chen, Y. S. Fan, B. Xing and S. Tao | Distribution of persistent toxic substances in benthic bivalves from the inshore areas of the Yellow Sea | Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry | (2008) Jan, 27,(1) 57 |
卢晓霞 | X. X. Lu, J. T. Wilson, H. Shen, B. M. Henry and D. H. Kampbell | Remediation of TCE-contaminated groundwater by a permeable reactive barrier filled with plant mulch (Biowall) | Journal of Environmental Science and Health Part a-Toxic/Hazardous Substances & Environmental Engineering | (2008) 43,(1) 24 |
马文红 | W. H. Ma, Y. H. Yang, J. S. He, Z. Hui and J. Y. Fang | Above- and belowground biomass in relation to environmental factors in temperate grasslands, Inner Mongolia | Science in China Series C-Life Sciences | (2008) Mar, 51,(3) 263 |
蒙吉军 | J. Wang, J. J. Meng and Y. L. Cai | Assessing vegetation dynamics impacted by climate change in the southwestern karst region of China with AVHRR NDVI and AVHRR NPP time-series | Environmental Geology | (2008) May, 54,(6) 1185 |
阙维民 | W. M. Que and J. Zhang | Asia conserved: Lessons learned from the UNESCO Asia-Pacific heritage awards for culture heritage conservation (2000-2004) | Journal of Cultural Heritage | (2008) Apr-Jun, 9,(2) 222 |
陶澍 | S. Tao, Y. N. Liu, C. Lang, W. T. Wang, H. S. Yuan, D. Y. Zhang, W. X. Qiu, J. M. Liu, Z. G. Liu, S. Z. Liu, R. Yi, M. Ji and X. X. Liu | A directional passive air sampler for monitoring polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) in air mass | Environmental Pollution | (2008) Nov, 156,(2) 435 |
陶澍 | S. Tao, W. X. Liu, Y. Li, Y. Yang, Q. Zuo, B. G. Li and J. Cao | Organochlorine Pesticides Contaminated Surface Soil As Reemission Source in the Haihe Plain, China | Environmental Science & Technology | (2008) Nov 15, 42,(22) 8395 |
陶澍 | Y. Yang, W. Hunter, S. Tao and J. Gan | Relationships between Desorption Intervals and Availability of Sediment-Associated Hydrophobic Contaminants | Environmental Science & Technology | (2008) Nov 15, 42,(22) 8446 |
陶澍 | H. S. Yuan, S. Tao, B. G. Li, C. Lang, J. Cao and R. M. Coveney | Emission and outflow of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons from wildfires in China | Atmospheric Environment | (2008) Sep, 42,(28) 6828 |
陶澍 | S. Tao, Y. X. Yu, W. X. Liu, X. J. Wang, J. Cao, B. G. Li, X. X. Lu and M. H. Wong | Validation of Dietary Intake of Dichlorodiphenyltrichloroethane and Metabolites in Two Populations from Beijing and Shenyang, China Based on the Residuals in Human Milk | Environmental Science & Technology | (2008) Oct 15, 42,(20) 7709 |
陶澍 | Y. Q. Wang, S. Tao, X. C. Jiao, R. M. Coveney, S. P. Wu and B. S. Xing | Polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons in leaf cuticles and inner tissues of six species of trees in urban Beijing | Environmental Pollution | (2008) Jan, 151,(1) 158 |
陶澍 | C. Lang, S. Tao, X. J. Wangj, G. Zhang and J. M. Fu | Modeling polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbon composition profiles of sources and receptors in the Pear River Delta, China | Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry | (2008) Jan, 27,(1) 4 |
王红亚 | H. Y. Wang, Y. Y. Huo, L. Y. Zeng, X. Q. Wu and Y. L. Cai | A 42-yr soil erosion record inferred from mineral magnetism of reservoir sediments in a small carbonate-rock catchment, Guizhou Plateau, southwest China | Journal of Paleolimnology | (2008) Oct, 40,(3) 897 |
王红亚 | H. Wang, J. A. Holmes, F. A. Street-Perrott, M. P. Waller and R. A. Perrott | Holocene environmental change in the West African Sahel: sedimentological and mineral-magnetic analyses of lake sediments from Jikariya Lake, northeastern Nigeria | Journal of Quaternary Science | (2008) Jul, 23,(5) 449 |
王学军 | S. C. Zhang, W. Zhang, Y. T. Shen, K. Y. Wang, L. W. Hu and X. J. Wang | Dry deposition of atmospheric polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) in the southeast suburb of Beijing, China | Atmospheric Research | (2008) Jul, 89,(1-2) 138 |
王学军 | W. Zhang, S. C. Zhang, C. Wan, D. P. Yue, Y. B. Ye and X. J. Wang | Source diagnostics of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons in urban road runoff, dust, rain and canopy throughfall | Environmental Pollution | (2008) Jun, 153,(3) 594 |
王学军 | W. Zhang, S. C. Zhang, D. P. Yue, C. Wan, Y. B. Ye and X. J. Wang | Characterization and loading estimation of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons in road runoff from urban regions of Beijing, China | Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry | (2008) Jan, 27,(1) 31 |
王仰麟 | Z. G. Li, Y. L. Wang, Q. B. Zhou, J. S. Wu, J. Peng and H. F. Chang | Spatiotemporal variability of land surface moisture based on vegetation and temperature characteristics in Northern Shaanxi Loess Plateau, China | Journal of Arid Environments | (2008) Jun, 72,(6) 971 |
张家富 | Zhang,J.F.,Yuan, B.Y., Zhou,L.P. | Luminescence chronology of "Old Red Sand" in Jinjiang and its implications for optical dating of sediments in South China | Chinese Science Bulletin | (2008)Feb, 53,(4) 591-601 |
赵昕奕 | Y. Yan, X. Y. Zhao and L. P. Zhou | Year aridity index patterns in northwest China and the relationship to summer North Atlantic sea surface temperature | Acta Oceanologica Sinica | (2008) 27,(3) 161 |
周力平 | Y. M. Zhu, L. P. Zhou, D. W. Mo, A. Kaakinen, Z. Q. Zhang and M. Fortelius | A new magnetostratigraphic framework for late Neogene Hipparion Red Clay in the eastern Loess Plateau of China | Palaeogeography Palaeoclimatology Palaeoecology | (2008) Oct 10, 268,(1-2) 47 |
周力平 | L. P. Zhou and E. Derbyshire | A tribute to Professor Liu Tungsheng - Obituary | Quaternary Science Reviews | (2008) Jul, 27,(13-14) 1472 |
周力平 | X. H. Wang, L. P. Zhou, Y. M. Wang, X. H. Zhang, X. M. Liu, X. T. Fan, K. X. Liu and J. X. Zhou | Paleoenvironmental implications of high-density records in Co-rich seamount crusts from the Pacific Ocean | Science in China Series D-Earth Sciences | (2008) Oct, 51,(10) 1460 |
莫多闻 | L. J. Mao, D. W. Mo, L. P. Jiang, Y. F. Jia, X. Y. Liu, M. L. Li, K. S. Zhou and C. X. Shi | Environmental change since mid-Pleistocene recorded in Shangshan achaeological site of Zhejiang | Journal of Geographical Sciences | (2008) May, 18,(2) 247 |